BGU News

BGU to Host Relational Schools Conference 2018

Written by BGU | 15/06/18 10:44

Have our schools lost sight of the HUMAN dimension?

Are we allowing children to be themselves?

Is there an over-emphasis on results?

If these issues concern you and you would like to have a space to meet, share concerns, and act for change then a place at the Relational Schools day conference on Friday 22 June at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) is for you.

The conference, titled ‘Human Scale School’, will be focusing on Human Scale Education (HSE), an education movement committed to small scale learning communities based on the values of democracy, justice and respect.

HSE works directly with schools and parents to promote human scale learning environments where children and young people are known and valued as individuals. HSE believes that ‘humanity of scale’ and the ‘primacy of relationships’ should not only inform the design of our schools but should also influence our public sector services.

This day event offers a rare opportunity to gain high quality Continuous Professional Development, with input from inspiring and innovative, internationally recognised researchers and practitioners.

Activities run from 9:30am to 4pm in the Robert Hardy Building at our campus on Longdales Road (LN1 3DY).

The event is free to BGU staff and students and you can book your place at on our events page. For any questions email Rosalyn Spender or Mark Plater.